3 Little-Known Factors That Affect Your Solar Savings.

author of solar hub

Tyson Hunter

Published Jun 10th, 2024

Are you curious how much you could save by harnessing the sun's power? Well, you're in luck!

Before we talk about the details, please take a quick spin on our solar savings calculator.

Click the a at the top to give it a try.

It's a good start to understanding how much you can save with solar energy. But there's still a lot to uncover!

Let's shed some light on three sneaky factors influencing your solar savings.

Short on time? Watch the video below to learn about factors affecting your solar savings.

Here's What We'll Discuss

Factor 1: Your Roof's Direction and Tilt

Your roof is like a sun-loving plant. The direction your roof faces and its tilt angle determine how much sunlight it soaks up.

If your roof faces south and has a perfect tilt, it's like rolling out a red carpet for the sun!

More sun means more solar energy harvested, leading to higher electricity bill savings.

So, regarding solar savings, the right roof angle and direction can make all the difference!

Factor 2: Shady Business

Picture this: you're trying to read a book, but someone keeps blocking the light. That's what shading does to your solar panels!

Trees, buildings, or even chimneys can cast shadows that reduce the amount of sunlight reaching your panels.

Less sunlight means less solar power is generated, which can dampen your savings. So, trim those trees before going solar and clear the way for maximum sunlight!

Factor 3: System Efficiency

Let's talk about the brains behind the operation—your solar panel system. Just like some cars are more fuel-efficient than others, solar panels come with different efficiencies.

Higher-efficiency panels can generate more electricity from the same amount of sunlight, maximizing your savings potential.

It's like upgrading from a scooter to a sports car—faster, smoother, and more efficient!

Is That Everything?

I wish it were that easy, but many factors can affect your solar efficiency and cost savings. Fear not!

With a sunny disposition, a well-positioned roof, and some efficient panels, you're well on your way to slashing those electricity bills.

Still feeling a bit cloudy about it all? Don't worry! Our solar experts are here to shed some light on any questions you have.

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94-148 Leowaena st. Unit R

Waipahu, Hawaii, 96797

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